Letters of Map Amendment from the Massachusetts Coastal Coalition and MassiveCert

A Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) is FEMA’s most common and official process to remove your structure from a high risk flood zone. By doing so, you will be removed from the requirement to have flood insurance. HOWEVER, we recommend still purchasing a flood policy, which will be VERY inexpensive.

Once completed, provide the FEMA-approved LOMA to your lender and the mandatory flood insurance requirement is removed. In most cases, you will also receive a refund of the last year’s flood insurance premium. Best of all, there’s absolutely no risk! If we’re unable to remove you from the FEMA high-risk flood zone, we will refund your payment in full.

To begin the LOMA process, upload your elevation certificate and deed or plat of your property (if available).

For general questions, email MCC at info@knowflood.org. For technical elevation certificate questions, email MassiveCert at info@massivecert.com

Get your guaranteed, certified, and official FEMA LOMA floodplain removal for only $350
Middle name(s)
Property Address
This is the physical address of the property receiving the LOMA.
What year was your home built? *
Format: 2025
Do you have a FEMA Elevation Certificate? If so please upload it here. If not you can order one here: Order

Be sure to click upload once you’ve selected your file.

Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg pdf.
Do you have a recorded Deed or Plat of your property? If so please upload it here to expedite the processing of your order.

Be sure to click upload once you’ve selected your file.

Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg pdf.

Vertical Tabs

You will be prompted for payment information of $500 on the next page. Then, sit back and relax! Our team of FEMA specialists will complete all the required forms, gather the remaining application materials, and present the request to FEMA. FEMA has sixty (60) days to provide a response but most applications are completed much sooner. Some applications qualify for an expedited review and can be completed within a day or two. As soon as FEMA’s review is finalized, we’ll email you the LOMA document that you can provide to your lender or insurance agent. It’s that easy. If for some reason FEMA doesn’t approve the LOMA we’ll immediately issue a refund to your credit card.